The MPHS Volleyball Team is doing well so far during this season, Trying to minimize errors and compete at a higher level. They have their strengths and weaknesses as all teams do, for starters they work really well as a team, playing with each other and keeping everyone involved. On the other hand they beat themselves up over small inconveniences and let it affect them mentally.

Coach Maxon wants the team to play hard and intense from the beginning instead of playing without the intensity they need to win, and compete at the highest level. On another note, players who stand out and make the team shine, Abiona Bailey is a phenomenal player who makes exquisite passes to her teammates keeping everyone involved. Finley Helm is an amazing hitter always getting the job done in a fashionable style on the court. Jenny Sun is also an astonishing setter, Sun also recently hit the 1000 assist mark in her Mount Pleasant High School athletic career. But let’s get into the upcoming districts for the MPHS Volleyball teams, they will play Rockford who they met in season but due the unfortunate circumstances the Oilers did not have their full squad. So be in for an entertaining and competitive rematch between Rockford and The Mount Pleasant Oilers. Goodluck Oilers!