Stefanie Sedlar
MPHS junior Addison Koch's grandfather still has copies of the Pipeline from 1968.
If you’re reading this story, then you know MPHS has an online student newspaper called the Pipeline. We just launched in Fall 2023. But did you know where we got our name? MPHS previously had a print newspaper called the Pipeline. We went back in time to dive into the Pipeline of generations past!
Business Management teacher Ms. Wischmeyer (Wisch) taught at MPHS when the “old Pipeline” was active. When asked what she enjoyed most about the old publication, she said she liked how kids were empowered to make decisions. Reflecting on the days when she was a student, Wisch said, “We didn’t have a school newspaper at my high school.” When the “old Pipeline” was active, she liked how having a student newspaper gives kids the opportunity to be featured and celebrated, so she is glad to see that MPHS has a school newspaper again.
English teacher and Derrick (yearbook) advisor Mrs. Johnson previously advised the student group who produced the Pipeline, but the publications team was an after-school club instead of a class. The club had a small budget, so they were only able to publish issues one a month. Mrs. Johnson said MPHS stopped producing the Pipeline because kids lost interest. Administrators and other school staff were frustrated with the mess they would find in the hallways after a new issue was published. After receiving their copies, students would discard them by simply dropping them on the floor. There would be copies laying all over the ground.
Another English teacher, Mrs. Cain, graduated in 2003 and was a student at the time when the old Pipeline was running. Her favorite story was one that her friend wrote about how the circus that was coming to town was treating animals horribly, igniting a huge protest against animal cruelty. Cain said she felt the need to do something and that the article made a sort of change. It inspired her to protest against the circus and animal cruelty.
The old Pipeline was forgotten for a while but is here again – and revamped – to make history once more.