Amya Hall
All of MPHS choir
My favorite part of concerts is the energy of having a live audience, feeling their joy and energy – Ms. Ernst.
Have you been to one of our choir concerts yet? Well, if you haven’t you’re missing out! Thursday Nov. 2 was our first choir concert of the year and it was tons of fun. If you missed it, thats ok come to our next one, and here’s what you missed.
The choir concert theme was “A Night at the Movies” it entails a collage style concert in which the choir performs many songs from your favorite movies. During this concert the choir performed a variety including disney, fantasy, and pop. One thing Ms. Ernst would like is some improved audience etiquette. Waiting until the end of a piece to applaud or leave, polite applause, not having conversations, silencing phones. We would love if you were to join us at our next concert, our annual christmas concert December 19, it will be a collage of the band, orchestra and choir as well as Ms Ernsts final concert with us. Huge thanks to Ms. Ernst for all you do, we love you!