Every Tuesday the Mt. Pleasant Esports team goes down to the Blockhouse which is a combined restaurant and sports venue in Alma, where they play against other schools. The Esports team started early september and the league is close at the end of December, so they only have a few games left. Esports works similar to other sports where the winners move on further into the playoffs, Mt. Pleasant has a great Esports program so all of the Oilers are going to the playoffs, they really live up to their slogan “We’ll Win Fr”. The Oilers toughest competition is De La Salle High School, they have a completely undefeated record. Mt. Pleasant Esports team member Zach Feger, claims that “They are cracked at Smash Bros” so Mt. Pleasant will really have to step up their game.
But Super Smash Bros isn’t the only game the team plays, they also compete in Overwatch and Madden. For Overwatch they meet up every wednesday and play against other schools, but Super Smash Bros is the teams specialty. What makes the team special to the players is that there’s not unfriendly competition, everyone still wants to win but they don’t have rivalries, most of the members are friends with the players from other schools. Except for De La Salle which they do have a rivalry with, but that’s because they only play online so they don’t actually get to interact with the other players. What really brings the team together is their love for Smash Bros, some take it competitively and some are just there for the experience, but either way they have fun. When asked how they felt about Esports being considered as a sport, team member Zach Feger said that they do consider it as a sport because the “The main Idea of sports is using your skill in the game to outwit your opponent”. Even though it’s not a physical or athletic sport, it still counts as one.
They are still encouraging people to join and there will be several opportunities this winter. There will be three more leagues starting, Smash Bros online, Valorant, and FIFA. If you’re interested in joining, contact Zach Feger for more information. To watch their epic games live, go to twitch.tv/blockouselive on Tuesdays from 4:00-8:00, or follow them on Instagram for clips and updates at mphs.esports.
Zach F. • Dec 13, 2023 at 11:31 am
The BH actually changed the games for the Spring season at the last minute—Smash is returning live and in-person, while their online leagues will be Rocket League and Valorant