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The News About Epilepsy

November marks National Epilepsy Awareness Month, a time dedicated to increasing understanding, support, and resources for individuals living with epilepsy. This annual observance serves as a crucial opportunity to educate the public about epilepsy, reduce stigma, and offer support to those affected by this neurological condition.
The News About Epilepsy

Epilepsy is a neurological disorder characterized by recurrent seizures, and it affects people of all ages, backgrounds, and walks of life. Despite its prevalence, misconceptions and stigma surrounding epilepsy persist, often leading to discrimination and social isolation for those living with the condition. National Epilepsy Awareness Month aims to change this narrative by fostering empathy, understanding, and empowerment.


Education and Awareness:

One of the most effective ways to support individuals with epilepsy is to educate yourself and others about the condition. Understanding the causes, symptoms, and treatment options for epilepsy can help dispel misconceptions and reduce stigma. Sharing accurate information through educational materials, community events, and social media can raise awareness and promote empathy.


 The impact of National Epilepsy Awareness Month:

Participating in or organizing community events, such as informational seminars, fundraising walks, or support group meetings, can foster a sense of solidarity and provide a platform for sharing resources and support.


What do you do if you see someone having a seizure?

1. Start a timer

2. Tell someone to get help (Make sure you tell someone specific around you)

3. Put them up on one side

4. Place a soft object under their head

5. Move any objects that could potentially cause injury 

6. Don’t put anything in their mouth

7. Stay Calm.

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