Lauren Gottleber
The girls basketball team played their first game on Tuesday, December 5. Varsity and JV played against Bay City Central, and the freshman played St. Johns. They had an amazing start to their season with Varsity, JV, and Freshman teams all securing a win. JV coach, Jason “Bubba” MacLean, who is also a teacher here at MPHS has very high expectations for this season.
Coach MacLean is very proud of how the teams played their first game, but feels that there are always things that could be improved. One overall goal that he has for his team is to prepare the girls for varsity and get them familiar with the schemes and philosophy that the new varsity coach, Mr. French, has brought to the program.
To help show support for the girls basketball program, you can attend the home games. Coach MacLean claims, “It’s the best six dollars you are going to spend all day.” Another great way to show support for the program is by tuning in to watch the games that are broadcasted on NFHS.
The girls are super excited for the season and hope to see you cheering in the stands!