The Digital Media class is hosting a competition to see who can create the best public service announcement about anti-vaping! The winner gets to be featured in the Oil Spill and gets a 50 dollar gift card.
The information you need to know:
The video must be 30-45 secs in length, no vulgar language, must be in mpeg.4 format, and copyright free. Copyright free means that any and all sources need to be cited well and be credible! Also no copyrighted music, audio, etc. Some examples of credible sources are the Food and Drug Administration and MDHHS (The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services).
The submissions for the anti-vaping competition are due by 12/15! The videos will be judged on how creative, original it is, and the quality of the video.
Email Mr. Onstott at [email protected] to submit your video