Kylee Denslow
If you are interested in what MPHS wants for christmas this article is for you, maybe it will give you ideas for your upcoming christmas list! DaNiya and Kylee went around and asked MPHS students and staff what’s one thing they want for Christmas and here’s what they got.
Kevin Henrich, 9th grader “I want a caffeine infused serum, to look better and keep healthy.” Wakkiin also added “I want a spider hoodie because its a hoodie and its nice” Emberlee Morford-Isenhath also said “I want hoodies” The majority of MPHS kids said that they want hoodies. Thats a big trend that we saw. Makynlee Willis said “I want fuzzy socks and lipgloss because it’s cold and I want my lips to look good” James Brown also known as Mr. Jim says “I want a new truck, a new big truck.” When asked why he said “because mine is old.” Skyler Malinowski wants “hello kitty pajamas, because I looove hello kitty.” The next day we asked more students AND staff. Aczar Jackson, freshman, shared: “I want an essential hoodie, because its “tuff”. Haiden Riley, a sophomore says “A new phone would be good, my phone is for real bad” Jennifer and Shannon shared: “I want a house.” Shannon adds “Ford Bronco, and when asked why she adds “Cuz I want 4 wheel drive”.
Let us know what you want for Christmas and why!