Jason Anderson
Klak stays very active and involved in helping students during rehearsal.
Mount Pleasant High School Theater Program will be performing Beauty and the Beast. The performances will take place March 15-17th.
A lot goes into the musical, first they have to choose the musical, then they have to hold auditions and cast people, after they have the cast, they need to start rehearsals and practices. During the practices they have to learn their lines and and the songs as well as all the dance choreography. They also have to put in all the moving parts together and build a set and do costuming. Further after they have everything ready, they have to start practicing with the live pit orchestra. Everyone involved in the musical has to put in a lot of work and effort to make it work. The Actors and Actresses will practice every week day and a lot of saturdays for many hours. Not counting the students, the teachers involved also have to put in a lot of work.
When choosing which musical to perform they need to think about many things. “The musical we chose this year was decided with Ms. Ernst (former choir and orchestra teacher). We originally had a lot of options but when deciding we look at what parts are needed and if we have all the vocal ranges needed. We also look at what we think people would be interested in” – Mr. Klak (drama teacher and English teacher)
After they choose the musical they need to cast people. When casting people there are many things they need to think about including vocal range, dance experience if the character is needed to dance, “We won’t cast someone who doesn’t dance in a dance heavy role, or if the character needs to tap dance we need to make sure that happens” said Mr Klak. Mr. Klak also said that he looks at their past performances, something he said he always tells his students is that “You’re always auditioning for your next role, if someone never shows up and shows me that they’re untrustworthy, I won’t give them a lead role.”
Along with Mr Klak, Ms. Cline also helps with the musical. Ms. Cline is the new choir and orchestra teacher. Ms. Cline works with the musical students on their singing of the pieces. Despite being new to our school, she is doing an amazing job teaching. She also says that she is having a great time “I am having fun getting to the students more beyond class, I get to see them more and spend more time with them, as well as getting to see a different side of them that comes out during musical practices” said Ms. Cline.
So far both Ms. Cline, and Mr. Klak think the musical is going well. Ms. Cline said “Despite the snow days, things are getting done and people are starting to get into character and there is a lot of good character development”. “I think it is going to be a great show despite having 4 rehearsals cancelled” said Mr. Klak. We hope you will join the Mount Pleasant High School Theater Department in Beauty and the Beast watching them and their amazing performance.