Mae Attebery
Thespian club reading lines.
Mt. Pleasant High School has a wide variety of clubs, from gaming, to art, to sports and more in between. In the past we’ve seen a large number of students not knowing when meetings are, where meetings are or even the general purpose of the club they’re looking to join. We’re here to remedy that.
If you’re looking for something creative consider joining the art club or the national arts honors society, run by Ms. Lunsford. Both meet in room 426 after school or during lunch on Wednesdays. Every year they go to snowfest to compete in a two day snow sculpting competition. The club also regularly hosts art based fundraisers and goes on field trips. The club welcomes anyone with a passion for art but to join the arts honors society you must have taken at least two art classes and pay a fee. Email Ms. Lunsford or visit the art room for more information. Ms. Sedlar’s creative writing takes place every Monday from 3:00-4:00, it’s a fun space to be creative and drink tea with other writers. The club usually has prompts to help you start your writing or fun writing games to play. Another creative club you may be interested in is Club Calligraphie, if you are wanting to improve your handwriting or just practice calligraphie this is the club for you. The club is centered around learning and practicing calligraphie, a form of beautiful lettering. Rowan Frost, the president, organizes the meetings for the club that take place on Wednesdays after school. You can just show up at Ms. Lillie’s room, 429 to join. If you are interested in cooking/baking you should consider joining the culinary club. They meet every-second Wednesday of the month at 3:15 in the GI-tech center kitchen. They compete in food shows, take side-trips to restaurants, and serve at possibly some special events. There are no requirements to join, but basic culinary experience is preferred. Email Ms. Dunn for more information.
If you’re interested in Fine Arts clubs like performing theater or choir you can join the spring musical or the fall play. Auditions for both of these are usually advertised around the time of both of these events. You’re always welcome to join the stage crew. Mr. Klak needs help, you can just show up to set building on Saturdays from 10am to 4pm in the auditorium or come to a weekly tech meeting that will take place later in production. If you have been in tech or have an acting role in at least two of the musical/play productions you may be inducted into The Thespian Society. Thespian Society is a theater group with amazing opportunities, once a year inducted members of the Thespian Society attend Thesfest. Thesfest is a festival with scholarship opportunities, ways to broaden your acting horizons, delicious treats, and more. At this festival, you can learn all sorts of new techniques for acting. Thesfest also has plenty of classes to take like stage combat or dancing, some classes are even taught by Broadway stars. Our theater department is currently in production for Beauty and The Beast, this year’s spring musical. If you’re interested in something more instrumental, you could also try marching band. Marching band requires a lot of dedication and time, but the work is worth the payoff. You can also join the pipeline, a rock band that plays for basketball games on thursdays. Pit orchestra is also an after school activity you can do run by Ms. Longoria on tuesdays. Percussion club is an after school student led club that you can also join. Be sure to talk to Director Mr. Taton or Ms. Longoria in the band room for more information.
For more active individuals, try the Disc Golf team or the Figure skating team. The figure skating team is a co-op team in Mount Pleasant, Big Rapids, BL city, Shepherd, Clair, and Alma. You need to be a part of the US figure skating team and have a physical on file to join. Skaters practice on their own Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday. Then they have competitions in December, January and February. There are three different levels for the figure skating team A, B, and C. If you are a skater, you can get a varsity letter. For the disc golf team, there are no requirements for joining just contact the advisor Mr. Hansen. Disc golf is exactly like golf but you’re throwing a disc. It’s a fun sport that takes place in the Fall and Spring. If you’re looking to join, there are no requirements for joining just contact the advisor, Mr. Hansen.
Maybe you just want to talk with your friends in a safe space after school or play a fun game, if so the GSA, Board Game club, and Dungeons and Dragons club are the clubs for you. Board Game club meets on Wednesdays after school in room 103. Board game club is a fun space to just relax for an hour and a half and play a wide variety of board games. Even if you don’t know any board games, there are many members of the club willing to help you. Along with the advisors Mr. Young and Mr. Hansen willing to teach you. Dungeons and Dragons meetings are always announced on the morning announcements the day before and the morning of meetings, but always on Wednesdays and in room 429. Dungeons and Dragons is a table-top roleplaying game. It’s a fun game for people to create characters and whatever they want, there’s math and a lot of randomness in the game. It takes place in Miss Lily’s room, Ms Lilly posts the schedule for the meets. They usually take place on Wednesdays though. There are no requirements for joining the Dungeons and Dragons club, and the other members along with the president Kenley Foster would be happy to teach you.Their next meeting is January 31st. The GSA meets every first and third Thursday of every month in room 5055. GSA stands for Gay Straight Alliance or Gender Sexuality Alliance, anyone is welcome. It’s a safe space for LGBTQIA+ students. It isn’t restricted to only LGBTQIA+ students, the club welcomes anyone.
Maybe you’re more interested in making an environmental change at the school. Try mother nature’s minions. Mother nature’s minions is a club concerned with the environment and environment related issues. They meet in room 112, Ms Bowens room and discuss projects on the google classroom to find the perfect time to meet. Anyone is welcome to join. Just join the google classroom, the code is 6VQC6T or contact Ms Bowen. Some project examples are growing plants, maybe starting a school garden, and composting school lunches.
Are you interested in e-sports? It’s a club that does video game competitions held in the alma block house, they have a variety of games kids can compete in like Super Smash bros, Valaront, Rocket League, and Overwatch. If you’re interested in joining, email Mr. Onstott. There are no requirements for joining, they want to get everybody involved.