Kendra Ketchum
Ms. Sepanski hopes to spend her break reading some good books!
Pipeline Journalists Kendra and Kenzie interviewed students around the school about their plans for spring break next week!
The first person they talked to was sophomore Albert Trepanier. His plans for spring break include going for a swim in a bathtub and when asked to describe what spring break means to him he answered with one word: “freedom.” Secondly, they interviewed Konner Hilleger. Like every other Michigan resident, he will be spending his break in Florida. To him, the week-long break means freedom and chilling. Next, they talked to English teacher, Ms.Sepanski. She is embarking on a girls trip next week where she will enjoy shopping with her friends and lots of rest, peace, and relaxation. Sepanski also hopes to read some more books and get some homework done during her time off. Lastly, They spoke to senior Cody Pendell who is looking forward to a week of no school and some time to relax. Cody wants to spend some time working on his mental health and continue working hard at his job.
Overall, Kendra and Kenzie believe that Spring Break is very important for both students and teachers. No matter what you are doing next week, the break is a good time to be stress free and relax. Have an amazing spring break oilers!