Damaris Mowat
MPHS Varsity Dance Team striking their final pose a the 2024 Homecoming pep rally
MPHS Varsity Dance Team is made up of 9 fantastic dancers. These dancers all work hard both in and out of practice. Almost all of these dancers dance both here and outside of here. These dancers also work hard practicing outside of practice to be able to bring you the routines that you love.
Every year the dance team brings a new routine to the homecoming assembly and uses the same routine to compete later in the year. This routine is usually the longest, and hardest routine of the year. “I love this years homecoming routine, I love all the hard skills in the dance and I felt that we were able to really show everyone how hard we work.” – Andrew Kequom senior team member.
This year the homecoming dance routine had many hard skills such as split jumps, toe touches, and team turns in second. When the routine begins the dancers are standing in a straight line and they all break away and then Lauren Gilbert, a senior member of the team from the back does an amazing toe touch. That is seen over all of the other dancers. The dancers then spread out into a formation to do some amazing and entertaining choreography. This is followed by two dancers, Lauren Gilbert and Andrew Kequom, completing beautiful triple pirouettes.
We then get to see a hip hop section of the routine. This hip hop section is to Yeah 3X by Chris Brown. “My favorite part of the homecoming routine this year is the hiphop section” – Lauren Gilbert senior team member. Following the Hiphop section we see a hurdler ripple completed by all of the dancers. Which was very clean you could see what group each person belonged to and when they were not in the air they were clean. Which gave the ripple a very nice effect because of the contrast in heights.
We then see all of the dancers move into a turn section. The turn section was started by three dancers and then later in the turn combination the other dancers joined in. The dancers then split and half do a jump forward and then roll on the ground and the other half do some fun arms that contrast what the other half of dancers are doing. The team then moves into another formation in which Zoe Couturier does a jump into a split aided by Andrew Kequom. The routine slowly comes to an end when the dancers come back to one final formation to complete the last little bit of choreography before hitting their final pose.