Claire Vogel
Ms. Cline conducting during class
On Tuesday October 22, the Mount Pleasant High School orchestra will be performing their first concert of the year. The orchestra has faced many hardships over the past couple of years. First the orchestra struggled with their teacher leaving part way through the year. Then they also lost many amazing seniors last year, all of which were section leaders.
This year they have an amazing teacher who has been working very hard to help this program. Ms. Cline has been doing amazing things to help this program such as, bringing in professors from CMU to help sharpen their skills, finding music perfect for them, and so much more. Ms. Cline has been doing the best things for this program here and we all know she already has and will continue to make a huge difference.
During this concert the orchestra will be playing two pieces; the first of these pieces is Dragon Hunter. Dragon hunter is composed by Richard Meyer. The piece is meant to sound medieval. The story behind the piece is that there is a dragon on the loose as you hear in the lower strings and the rest of them are on the hunt to catch them.
The second piece is Danza, this piece is very challenging rhythmically. Danza has been a big challenge for the orchestra as the piece has rhythms that happen almost in a round but not quite. The orchestra has gone through many struggles and would love your support at their first concert of the year. They have been working very hard and are excited to show you all they have worked on.