When it comes to the voting age, people have a lot of different opinions. Some think that the voting age is good where it’s at. Some think it should be lowered, and some think it should be raised. But what are the reasons behind these arguments?
The first argument to lower the voting age is the argument of fairness. In our culture the age 16 is a big one. When you turn 16 you are allowed to drive a car, pay taxes, and work without restricted hours for the first time. This being said there are still a lot of things you cannot do at 16 the most important of those is the fact that you cannot yet vote.
Citizens 18 plus vote on matters relating to many things including the matter of taxes. When they vote on taxes they are talking about the taxes that 16 year olds are paying without giving the ones paying the taxes a say. This leads to many unable to decide things for themselves. These people are unrepresented and lose all thoughts and rights for themselves.
This is my personal opinion, the biggest reason. The overall fact that the 18 and older who are voting are voting on matters that affect the younger people who cannot vote. 16 and 17 year olds have strong opinions and are affected by the decisions made while also having no say in these decisions. I think that if it affects the person then they should be able to vote on it.
Fairvote.org research states that there is a “‘Trickle up’ effect when it comes to politics. Children are pulled into politics at family events.” At the dinner table and throughout their day to day life in society 16 and 17 year olds are engaged in political conversations with their friends and families. If they are responsible enough and mature enough for these conversations then they should be responsible enough and mature enough to vote. This is as if I were to walk into a preschool classroom and ask the students what they would like to do today, knowing full well I have the full day planned and everything they said is going to be ignored.
Some people however are against lowering the voting age and want to keep it where it is at. “16 and 17 year olds are irresponsible; they are known for making poor choices. Their brains aren’t fully developed yet.” said a highschool student who thinks the age should not be lowered. And while yes I agree with this that their brains aren’t fully developed, neither are 18 year olds. The brain does not develop fully until the mid to late 20’s. Yet people think 18 year olds are old enough to vote. So what is the difference between 18 year olds voting and 16-17 year olds voting?
Some think that 16 and 17 year olds aren’t even interested nor do they have the ability to participate in politics and elections however that is untrue. Research shows that there is also a “trickle up effect” when it comes to politics. At the dinner table and throughout their day to day life in society 16 and 17 year olds are engaged in political conversations with their friends and families. If they are responsible enough and mature enough for these conversations then they should be responsible enough and mature enough to vote.
Some places have also proven that this system would work. In Maryland two cities tested out allowing 16-17 year olds to participate in smaller local elections. There are also many countries in Europe that allow 16 and 17 year olds to vote in all elections. Along with this, in many states 17 year olds are allowed to vote in primaries. So why have we not yet made the switch?
While there are some arguments against it, I think that we should lower the voting age. If we don’t there will continue to be the cycle of people being unrepresented, yet affected by politics. Many 16 and 17 year olds are being told what they have to follow with no say and this needs to change. 16 and 17 year olds are old enough to have a say in what they do.