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Mr. Taton directs the Symphonic Wind Ensemble
Mr. Taton directs the Symphonic Wind Ensemble
Claire Vogel

What goes into what you hear!

“Our band students continue to show off their talent in their yearly performances. The band puts in lots of work and time to create an amazing performance for these concerts and the results are always spectacular. A lot of work from both me and the students goes into every single one of our concerts,” Mr. Taton, MPHS band director.

 The highschool has 2 different band classes. One of which is the Symphonic Band, and the other is the Symphonic Wind Ensemble. The symphonic band takes place during fifth hour and is the class for the students who love playing but haven’t quite taken it to the next level. This band is directed both by Mr. Taton and Ms. Longoria. The Symphonic wind ensemble takes place during fourth hour and is for those who have put the extra work in and those who want to take their playing to the next level.  

     The band students themselves have to put in a lot of work, practicing in class daily. The students then may have to practice on their own outside of class to make sure that they understand everything and are able to play everything correctly. The directors also have to work hard to put on the concerts. Not only do they have to lead rehearsals for the students but they also have to find music for them to play. 

     The Symphonic Band played three selections during the concert. “On The Wings of Swallows” by Michael Sweeney which was chosen by Ms. Longoria. “I chose this piece because I like the wide variety of styles and tempos” states Ms. Longoria.  The second piece they played is “Balladair” by Frank Erickson, which was also chosen by Ms. Longoria. She chose this piece because she likes that it has a slow and melodic character. This piece is also a band classic that was written in the 1950’s. 

The third and final piece that the Symphonic Band played is “Prelude and Danse” by Ed Huckaby which was chosen by Mr. Taton. He chose this piece because he thinks it has a lot of challenges rhythmically and it has a high energy. 

     The Symphonic Wind Ensemble played four selections. First is “Partita” by Edward Gregson. Gregson is a British Brass Band composer and Mr. Taton has liked this piece for a long time. It is based on the Dies Irae (Day of Wrath) from the Mass for the Dead or Requiem Mass. Second is “Seal Lullaby” by Eric Whitaker chosen by Mr. Taton to feature junior Jacques Chercover on piano. Chercover is an amazingly talented pianist and there are not too many pieces for piano included in the band.  Next up is “The Old Red Mill” by Brant Karrick, which is a fun piece that depicts a fall scene of a walk down a country lane to a raucous barn dance. The final piece that they played is “Toccata” by Leon Boellmann which is the last movement of Gothic Suite written for pipe organ. He chose this piece because it fits the spooky time of year. 


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