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November Teacher Feature

Ms. Jordyn Szymanski
November Teacher Feature

What inspired you to become a teacher?
“I grew up with many family members working in education and as a child, I always said that I wanted to be a teacher. My family members loved their jobs but I always overheard them talking about how little income you make in education compared to how much work it entails. Because of that, I steered away from education and got a medical laboratory degree in college. I worked in a hospital laboratory for 3 years before leaving due to covid craziness. I started substitute teaching to make money and realized that education had been my passion all along and that it was what made me happy, no matter what the income looked like. My ultimate goal in life is to be a positive light and influence to people and being a teacher is a great way to do that.”

Fun facts

Height: 5’4 and a ½
Fav song: RNB 90s
Fav season: Fall
Night owl or morning bird: night owl
Hobbies: reading and thrifting
Favorite food/drink: Mexican and a chai tea latte

What advice would you give to students who want to succeed in your class?
“My biggest thing is effort. If a student is giving me effort and trying their best (and “best” doesn’t always mean an A or B), I will do everything that I can to help them succeed. My biggest advice would be to use class time wisely, ask questions when you are confused, and to stay caught up. I always give ample class time to get work done so that way homework is rare. Ultimately, if you show me that you are trying, I will do everything in my power to help you succeed.”

What challenges do you face as a teacher and how do you overcome it?
“The biggest challenges I’m seeing are apathy and trying to compete with screens. Apathy is when students lack the motivation to do things and just don’t care much about what is going on in their education. It’s frustrating to see students who do not care much about their education and it is hard to motivate them. Secondly is the phones, as any teacher would say. It’s hard to compete with screens.”

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