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30° Mount Pleasant, MI
MPHS Student News

The Pipeline

  • Rockefeller Robotics won 3rd place at their home competition over the weekend! If you see them in the halls be sure to congratulate them
  • BPA is heading to states this weekend be sure to tell them good luck!
  • Literary society meetings Mondays after school room 204. This month they are reading Farenheit 451.
  • School store happy go lucky token hunt active now! If found eligible for a free slushy or popcorn
  • Juniors and Seniors, Ferris State will be visiting on Friday March 14th during 5th Period stop by the counseling office to sign up
  • Juniors - SAT Wednesday April 9th and ACT Workkeys Thursday April 10th
  • Freshman and Sophomores - PSAT Thursday April 10th

The Pipeline

The Pipeline


The Pipeline is fortunate to have received financial support from several organizations, including the Rotary Club (digital cameras and SD cards), United Way (an additional digital camera), and the MPHS English Department (SNO Sites domain). We are so very grateful to each of our partners for their generous financial support.

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