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30° Mount Pleasant, MI
MPHS Student News

The Pipeline

  • Rockefeller Robotics won 3rd place at their home competition over the weekend! If you see them in the halls be sure to congratulate them
  • BPA is heading to states this weekend be sure to tell them good luck!
  • Literary society meetings Mondays after school room 204. This month they are reading Farenheit 451.
  • School store happy go lucky token hunt active now! If found eligible for a free slushy or popcorn
  • Juniors and Seniors, Ferris State will be visiting on Friday March 14th during 5th Period stop by the counseling office to sign up
  • Juniors - SAT Wednesday April 9th and ACT Workkeys Thursday April 10th
  • Freshman and Sophomores - PSAT Thursday April 10th

The Pipeline

The Pipeline

With gratitude to the Rotary Club of Mt. Pleasant, United Way of Gratiot & Isabella Counties, and all our other partners and supporters.

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MPHS Student News